About Us

Personalized Service at Every Touchpoint.

Elevated is the leading independent service provider of elevator maintenance, repair, and modernization.

Elevated Excellence:
Our Evolution and

Elevated brings together the industry’s finest technicians to serve our customers in 58 markets across 22 states.

Each office within Elevated has local operations and staff dedicated to provide a superior standard of service, and now benefits also from a world-class corporate infrastructure, state-of-the-art facilities, and superior training and support for our workforce.

Current Markets

Elevating the experience for everyone, across 22 states and 58 markets.

We are always expanding. If your area is not listed, please reach us at [email protected].

Our Leadership Team

David Taylor

David Taylor

VP of Finance

Dustin Moore

Dustin Moore

VP of Sales & Marketing

Greg Nagle

Greg Nagle

VP of Operations

James Duda

James Duda

Regional Vice President

Mike West

Mike West

Regional Vice President

Ben Wehner

Ben Wehner

Regional Vice President

Emily Barth

Emily Barth

Director of Marketing

Manny Viera

Manny Viera

Director of Human Resources

Emily McDermott

Emily McDermott

Director of Technical Talent

Sabina Baumgartner

Sabina Baumgartner

Director of Procurement